It has been a crazy couple of days here in Birmingham! I'm sure everyone reading this either experienced it or heard about it. The snow and ice was unexpected and came on quick!! Josh and I unfortunately were affected by it. On Tuesday around 10:15 I got a call from Bryant's preschool that they were closing. The snow had started and schools were closing early. I went to pick Bryant up, which is just right down the road, and when I came back the big hills in our neighborhood were already too snow covered and icy to get up. So I attempted to make it to my friend Emily's house. Normally this drive would take about 7 minutes, but on that day it took over an hour and a half!! It was INSANE! Once there I knew my van wasn't making it home. Luckily when we asked her neighbor to borrow some diapers for Taylor later that afternoon, because I had no idea we'd be stuck out and therefore only had one, he offered to drive us home. He had a 4WD 4-Runner and was from Utah…therefore an experienced snow driver. He was able to get us home right before dark…although we barely made it. The roads were awful! As for Josh, he and a bunch of other people got stuck at the office. Around 5:00 on Tuesday he decided to venture out to try and get food for all of the people stuck at the office. Unfortunately, while attempting to go only about a mile, he ended up sliding on ice uncontrollably down a hill and hitting two other vehicles that were on the side of the road and had done the same thing. So his brand new truck got wrecked. :( At least no one was hurt. He was able to get food and make it back to the office eventually. He finally made it home on Wednesday around lunchtime. Although then he still had to park his truck at the bottom of our neighborhood hills and walk the rest of the way home. Like I said…CRAZY!!! Luckily most everything got back in order today. Josh's truck will be at the shop for the next month getting fixed…but, like I said, at least we are all okay! Below are some pictures from our snow days!

Enjoying the snow at Luke & Ella's
Sweet Luke let Bryant wear his hat…and thus he got the purple kitty!! He looks so adorable!
Bryant and Ella throwing snowballs!
This was the best group shot we got!
Sweet Taylor
My Van… This is why we couldn't get anywhere! What you don't see is the ice all over the roads and under the snow. The ice was AWFUL!
Our snow-covered house!
Pretty and untouched
This was on Wednesday when we decided to play outside at our house.
All he was worried about was trying to find his golf clubs.
Once he found his driver he was only concerned with finding his WHITE golf balls…no luck!
Taylor in the snow…she was very unsure.
We made snow cream! Delicious!!
Bryant was a little unsure of the coldness...
But he ended up approving!
No, no Taygirl…don't climb the stairs...
Until next time…