We have had a great, busy past week and a half! On Monday we went with friends on a tour of Bud's Best Cookies Factory. It was lots of fun! And we got to sample fresh out of the oven cookies…so what's not to love! Then, last week we had 4 different fall festival/carnival things that we went to. The first one was Bryant's school carnival. I actually helped work one of the games, so I got to be up there and watch him play all the games. He seemed to have a blast, and I was glad I got to be part of it. That evening we went with some friends to the Alabaster Church of God Fall Festival. We had gone to this one last year with the same group of friends and it was fun. The kids of course had a blast bouncing, going on a train ride and hayride, and eating food. :) On Friday we went briefly up to the kids preschool because the church was having a trunk or treat. We went with Luke & Ella, but only stayed maybe 30 minutes. It was windy and cold. Afterwards Luke & Ella came over for pizza and to hang out. Fun fun. On Sunday mom & dad came up to see us! We took the kids to the Trunk or Treat Fall Festival at Kingwood Church. It was PACKED!! We had a lot of fun though. The kids trunk or treated and played on the inflatable slides. Then on Monday we took the kids to the McWane Science Center. Of course the kids had fun, and I think my parents really had a blast too! It was so nice having them come up and spend the night for no reason but to hang out!! Anyway, below are lots of pictures from all of our fun. :)

We had to wear hair nets for our tour…Taylor wasn't the biggest fan.
Ready to go!
On the train that took us on the tour.
Look at all those cookies!!!
Taylor enjoyed the cookie samples.
Fun time with friends! And they got to take home a coloring book and small bag of cookies!
Park time :)
Handsome boy looking all grown after his haircut.
Bowling at his preschool carnival.
Best buddies…a pumpkin and Clark Kent!
Bryant's preschool class enjoying a snack break.
Apple toss
Ringing the buckets with ping pong balls. And yes, that is Emily dressed as a cat. ;)
Musical chairs! It was so funny because when the music stopped the kids all tried to go back to the chair they started in instead of the chair closest to them. It was a little chaotic.
This was the carnival game I worked…carrying an eyeball on a spoon!
Taylor enjoying some popcorn at the festival that evening.
Bouncy + Basketball = One Happy Kid!
So fun.
I can't tell…do you think she's enjoying the cupcake?
Me and my baby on the train ride.
Hayride time!
So blessed to have such great friends!! Although we missed Emily (Luke & Ella) this year.
This Girl. Love her so.
One of the "trunks" at Kingwood was decorated AL and they went crazy with the kids in their football and cheerleader outfits, so they had to take a pic. :)
Pops and Taylor waiting on our dinner!
McWane Center fun.
Crazy distortion room.
I love my dad's face in this picture. :)
Bryant showing off his bubble skills to Jojo.
Taylor wanted to make bubbles too.
My little mushroom.
Building with big blocks is fun.
Until next time…