Sorry for my absence on the blog the past 3 weeks. We have just been busy, busy, busy, and it has just not crossed my mind. We have had lots of fun the past 3 weeks and I will try to share most everything in a condensed version. ;) Let's see, let's start with Thanksgiving. This year we spent Thanksgiving with Josh's family in Bainbridge. We were only down there for a couple of days because Josh was going to the Iron Bowl on that Saturday, but it was fun. We mainly just hung out and ate lots of yummy food!! It was good to see everyone. Then the Sunday after Thanksgiving we started decorating for Christmas. I really love Christmas time and decorating and all that, but Josh REALLY loves it. So it is always so much fun. Josh and Bryant once again went and got a tree together and then we all watched Josh decorate it. ;) That Wednesday we got together with some friends to decorate cookies and make other goodies for the kids to take to the fire station the next day. It went as well as could be expected. I'll give you one guess who actually ended up doing most of the decorating…but it is still lots of fun. Then the next day we visited the fire station and took the goodies to the fire fighters. This was the second year in a row we have done this all together…I love making traditions!! Then on Friday I had a Christmas Party at my house for a mom's group I'm a part of. This was the second year we have done this. It was so nice to all hang out without our kids…plus some eating, drinking, and present stealing! :) Saturday morning we took the kids to Timberline Golf Course to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. We did this event last year and loved it. They serve a great breakfast and you get to visit with Santa whenever you want. I was so impressed with how both of the kids acted with Santa, especially Taylor. It was lots of fun. Then that afternoon we had a few friends over to watch Alabama win the SEC Championship!! This past Monday I finally took Taylor for her 18 month checkup. It went great! She is healthy and BIG. She was over 34 inches tall (95th percentile), over 26 pounds (90th percentile), and her head circumference was in the 90th percentile. I guess these kiddos must be taking after their daddy, because they are both big for their age. And unfortunately, according to ultrasounds I've been having to monitor this pregnancy, Baby Lee #3 is going to be big just like them!! Well, I think that about covers the main events from the past several weeks, below are TONS of pictures from our fun!

Best Frandz!!
Getting ready to dance to their favorite part of Elf.
Gobble Gobble
Checking out the cows in Bainbridge.
How cute is she in her Thanksgiving outfit!?!
Look at all those lights!
Christmastime is here!
Helping hang the ornaments.
This face…I get it a lot. ;)
My boy!
Handsome model
The best joint picture.
Sweet Taygirl
Sampson…our first born. ;)
Icing her star.
Sprinkles are fun.
Such a great group of friends!
Decorating cookies! Don't worry…they got to eat these. :)
Ready to take the cookies to the firefighters.
They are SO cute!
Bryant & Luke checking out the truck.
Checking out the fire truck for herself.
Taylor did great! She didn't smile, but at least she didn't cry!
The whole fam with Santa and Ms. Claus!
Enjoying his breakfast!
Enjoying her breakfast too.
Bryant LOVES baby Charlie.
Waiting to see the doctor.
Until next time…