We had a great Christmas holiday this year. Because Josh's brother was getting married on January 2nd, and we would see all of his family then, we just went to Opelika over Christmas. The kids and I were there from Sunday-Friday. Josh was only there for a few days. My sisters Grace and Hillary were both there with their families, but Shelley's family didn't come this year. So it was so great to see the one's there, but we definitely missed Shelley's fam. We really didn't do anything too exciting. Unfortunately it rained pretty much the entire time we were there, which was not very fun for the kids. But we made the best of it! Thank goodness for Pops and his constant entertainment. We did do our annual traditions of going to the Christmas Eve service at our home church. Then we had a yummy "tasty dainties" dinner and opened presents. Christmas morning Santa had come and then we did our annual Christmas Dinner at lunchtime. It was lots of fun. Then we went home for a few days before heading to Jacksonville Beach, FL for Jon & Rachel's wedding. The Rehearsal Dinner was New Year's Eve and was beautiful and delicious. Then the wedding was on January 2nd. The wedding and reception were absolutely beautiful! And of course Josh was in the wedding, but so was Bryant. He was a ring-bearer and did an awesome job! He's such a good kid. It was a fun wedding week getting to spend time with friends and family. I was decent about taking pictures at Christmas, but absolutely horrible at taking pictures during the wedding events. I guess we were just so busy…and I was honestly exhausted. So I will share the Christmas pictures I have…and the like two pictures I took at the wedding. Oops! Enjoy. :)

Getting ready to open his presents from Jama
Yall…her cheese face is kind of the cutest thing ever.
My big boy!
Taylor liked Bryant's new helmet.
WHOA!!…lots of legos!
Taylor's turn.
So much food!
She thinks it's a stroller for her.
Thanks Jama!!
Now time for Poppi's presents!
New Golf Clubs!!
And a kitchen for Taylor!!
Thank you Poppi!!
"Don't worry Nora, I'll help you escape!" ~Wells
Puzzles are so fun.
Hard to believe they are only 12 weeks apart!! #Taylorisbig #Wellsissmall
Jojo and Grace getting some Wells love.
Nora doing "swing high" with Pops for the first time!
Decorating sugar cookies.
Eating her masterpiece.
Christmas Eve Spread! YUM!!
Handsome boy
Sweet girl
My Family :)
The original Bazemores…minus Shelley. :(
My boys!
All Wells wanted to do was dance on top of his presents!
He was SO excited about his new basketball.
Sweet Taygirl reading her new book.
Cute new purse.
Wells liked it too. ;)
Jonathan and Nora
So blessed with my family.
Taylor LOVED her new sunglasses.
Our attempt at getting a picture of all four of them...
It was not very successful...
And they're done.
Christmas morning.
Checking it all out.
Bryant went straight for the shopping cart!
He tested out his bike once we made him. ;)
Who doesn't love candy!
Building his new puzzles with daddy.
The kids with their new suitcases headed out for Uncle Jon's wedding.
Uncle Jon & Rachel's wedding!
And it's over… (I told you I was horrible about taking any pictures)
Until next time…