Well, as most everyone reading this blog post knows, we had another baby! Well…technically I had the baby, but you know what I mean. ;) Our sweet Thomas (who was not actually named until several hours after he was born) made his debut on Tuesday, February 10th at 12:20 pm. He weighed in large just like the others at 9 lbs 13 oz and was 21 inches long. Thomas decided to be like his older sister and get stuck while coming out. But, although he had shoulder dystocia too, and was not breathing, he came around much more quickly than Taylor. He did have to go to the NICU for a while to get his oxygen level good, but by the time he came to us for good…about 4 hours later, he was breathing great and had movement in both arms!! (Which at first he wasn't moving his arms). The rest of our hospital stay was uneventful for the most part. Oh, and it was great because I was induced so Josh got to be there the entire time. Now that we are home we are actually getting to deal with something that both Bryant and Taylor had too, jaundice. :( Sweet boy is having to do phototherapy. He's been on the bed since yesterday and will be on it until at least tomorrow, if not Monday or Tuesday. I am praying he'll be done with it tomorrow…it is so hard. :( Other than that it's been fun and tiring watching the older two adjust to having a baby here. I think it's going pretty good so far. :) So before Thomas was born we got to spend several days with Josh. He came home on Thursday, so on Friday (the 6th…which was Bryant's actual birthday) we got to celebrate Bryant's 4th birthday as a family. That was great! And Josh took Bryant to play golf two different days, which was special for Bryant. And he took the kids to the McWane Center on Monday. He really made up for being gone a month. ;) The last fun thing we did was last Saturday (the 7th) we had a Going Away/Celebrate Baby Lee #3 Party with all of our friends. It was so much fun to get to spend one more night hanging out with everyone. If I haven't expressed it enough, we are really going to miss our friends. I just have to not think about it… Anyway, I'll let that be all for now and just share lots of pictures from our VERY fun and eventful past week. :)

Welcome sweet baby boy!!
Our Family is complete. :)
Bryant giving his brother a kiss.
Taylor giving her baby brother a kiss.
Jojo got to be there too!
There's his eyes!
"Little Brother"…used lightly. ;)
We're home!! And boy were his siblings excited!
Daddy getting a few minutes of Thomas love before he had to leave.
And phototherapy…boo. :(
Bryant reading to Thomas while he was awake. It may have been the most precious thing ever.
And since bubba did it of course baby girl had to too! :)
Seriously…he is SO precious. :)
Below are pictures from the week before Thomas's birth!
My baby girl
We had Pump it Up by ourselves for like 15-20 minutes!
Bouncy bouncy
Yall…her pigtails…SO cute!
Birthday Boy!!
Part of his birthday present…a new football uniform! Go Dawgs!!
Cupcake time.
No words. Just no words.
They were so so happy to have daddy home!
Our Going Away party wore him out! He fell asleep before we left…granted it was like 10:00...
Taylor of course kept on going!
Lunch date with my girl while the boys played golf.
Golf wore my little boy out!
Taylor and Harper hugging bye.
McWane center fun with daddy!
Until next time…