We have had a really busy, fun past 3 weeks! Let's see if I can remember everything as a write. First, we had a great Memorial Day Weekend! We didn't do a whole lot, but we did a few low key things. On that Saturday Josh took Bryant to play golf on this mountain course. To say he had fun would be an understatement! They played 18 holes and had a wonderful day together. On that Sunday Josh went over to Atlanta and played golf with a buddy of his he hadn't seen in a while. The kids and I just went to church and hung out. On Monday we took the kids to Memorial Park and Bear Hollow Zoo. It was lots of fun, and unbeknownst to us, the park actually had some fun activities and stuff set up. It was a great day spent as a family! That next week my sister Hillary and her little boy Wells were in Opelika for several days. So of course me and the kids went down there. This was the first time she had gotten to meet Thomas. They were both thrilled of course! ;) We had a great time just hanging out and watching all of the kids play. I can't put into words how much I wish they lived closer. But, that's not the case, so I cherish every time we get to see each other! The next week was a really busy week. Not only did Bryant participate in Vacation Bible School every morning, but each afternoon both kids had private swim lessons. Bryant had an absolute blast at VBS. He just loves stuff like that and getting to hang out with other kids. And as for swim lessons, they both did good. Taylor still can't swim by herself, but she is much better at kicking, going under water, and swimming with help. As for Bryant, he can swim by himself for the most part. He will still need lots of practice, but I am so proud of where he is right now. He can jump in, catch his breath, and then swim to the wall and pull himself out. He can also swim and pick up rings from the steps under water. They both learned to float on their backs too…although they don't do it great without a little help. All in all I think for 5 days of lessons they made great strides towards independent swimming. This past week has been more low key, but slightly interesting due to an accident that happened on Tuesday. I'm not sure exactly what happened because I was in the other room, but Taylor ended up with a pretty good gash in her chin. Poor baby girl ended up having to get stitches. And for those who don't know, trying to keep a 2 year old from messing with itchy stitches is a full time job. I. Am. Exhausted. Then on Wednesday Thomas had his 4 month checkup. He is a big, healthy boy! He was about 16 1/2 lbs and 25 1/2 inches. Both placed him right around the 90th percentile. No shocker there. ;) So thankful for a healthy, thriving baby. Now if he could just go back to sleeping good again… Oh, and while I was at the doctor with Thomas, Bryant got to do something super fun. They have been having the different UGA Football Camps this past week. Well, yesterday Bryant got to go participate in the afternoon drills with the youth camp. Josh said he did every single thing just like he was one of them. And he had a blast!! It's so fun that he gets to do stuff like that. Anyway, I actually think that is about it. Below are lots of pictures. :)

Playing golf in the Mountains!
Sleepy baby
A special popsicle treat!
My boys
Beautiful day for some tennis.
She was a great ball girl.
Sure Taylor…that's one way to eat queso...
Bear Hollow Zoo!
My little monkeys.
Fun games at Memorial Park!
Sporting her prizes from the games. ;)
Passed. Out.
I sure am one blessed momma!
We went to visit Gran while in Opelika.
Playing basketball and frisbee with Pops.
Yall…Wells was hilarious. He would push a stroller all day long. And so of course Taylor did too! :)
He loves his Pops.
He had a blast at the splash pad!
Twins and our babies!!
You scream, I scream, we all screamed for ice cream!
Chickfila playground all to themselves!
Ready for her swimming lessons.
The kids performed all the songs from the week on Friday evening!
He is such a cutie!
My sweet baby Thomas!
Look at my baby girl under the water!
Sweet girl sleeping after getting her stitches. I decided not to include a before stitches picture…it was pretty gross. ;)
Snuggling in bed. :)
Chilling at his 4 month checkup!
Until next time…