The past two weeks have really been busy! A few weekends ago we went out to dinner with friends on Friday night. It was quite an adventure since between the four couples we have 10 children 4 & under. But it was a lot of fun. The next day we had a birthday party for one of Bryant's friends. Tripp was turning 4 and we had fun swimming and playing with him and other friends. Then that Monday our friends from Alabama, The Pippins, came over to Athens to cook for the UGA Football team. They own their own BBQ company called Lazy Boy BBQ, and are huge UGA fans, so Josh was able to set up for them to cook for the football team on that Tuesday night. It was a huge success as everyone loved the food. And it was so great to see them. They brought their oldest two with them, Will & Matthew, who are 6 and 8. Bryant had so much fun playing with them. Also on Tuesday Taylor had her 2 year checkup. Everything went good and thankfully she didn't have to get any shots! She weighed in at 30.8 pounds and was over 37 inches. It put her in the 90th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for height. So just like her brothers, she's big for her age! Then this past weekend we had another birthday party. Bryant has become good friends with our neighbors little boy. He turned 6 on Saturday so we went to his birthday party. It was lots of fun! In between the parties and friends visiting we have had played with our friends a lot. In fact, I think today may be the first day we are just chilling at home by ourselves. :) Although we have had lots of fun stuff going on, I have been absolutely terrible about taking pictures. So below are a few pictures I've taken, and you'll just have to imagine all the other fun. ;)

My oldest babies hanging in daddy's chair.
Sweet girl
Me and my sweet Bryant. Love him so much!!
My boys!
Taygirl had to hold him too. :)
My three angels.
Such a cutie pie.
The Reddhouse. Yum! And 10 kids…no problem! ;)
I had to include this picture because it makes me giggle. Sweet Taylor...
Swimming with daddy!
Pretty girl smelling the flowers.
Now that's pure exhaustion...
Still passed out hanging off the couch!
The big kids up at UGA waiting for the team to come eat.
Yeah…I think yall may be a little small boys.
The football team enjoying some Lazy Boy BBQ!
Bryant and Taylor enjoying breakfast with Will and Matthew.
Daddy-Daughter Love
Taylor likes to try and play golf just like her big brother.
Going in for a double fist pump. Because he's that awesome.
Happy boy! Most of the time…
Until next time…