We have had a really fun couple of weeks!! The week before last Jama came to visit. She stayed for the entire week and then went to UGA's first football game with us. While she was here we just played a lot, and I ran lots of errands kid free. :) Also Thomas had his 6 month checkup. Poor third child…I already threw away the sheet...but I do remember he weighed over 19 lbs and was in the 75th percentile! I can't remember the rest… But he is a cute, chunky, sweet little thang! As everyone knows, a couple of Saturday's ago was the start of college football! YAY!!! I took all three of my kiddos with me to the first game. And it went surprisingly well. Jama of course was quite helpful, but the kids did really good. And I know Bryant had a blast, and I think Taylor did too. Thomas goes with the flow wherever we are, so he was fine. We got to our parking lot about 3 hours before kickoff. So we tailgated for a while and watched the Dawg Walk. During the game we sat in the stands some, then went up to the box some (while it rained), and then after the big win we went onto the field to see Josh. It was great! The following week the football game was at Vanderbilt, so Josh had to fly out on Thursday. Therefore me and the kids went down to my parents house. We hung out there throughout the weekend. However, Thomas and I actually left Saturday morning and went up to the lake to stay with my lifelong best friend Natalie. We just took boat rides and relaxed. It was so much fun getting to see her and enjoy the beautiful weather! And man, it truly felt like a vacation since I just had Thomas and not all three kiddos! Then Sunday I went back to Opelika to pick up the older two and we all headed home to Athens. Like I said, it has really been a fun, family and friend filled couple of weeks. Below are tons of pictures. :)

All FOUR of my babies watching out the window!
Sweet girl riding her tricycle.
Morning snuggles! Seriously one of my favorite parts of the day. :)
So creative. He used legos to build stands for his football game! (Ignore the Alabama…we need to get him some Georgia football men I guess)
Taylor working on her forward roll.
My fearless baby girl!
Bouncing with Coach Kat.
Proving that she's not always clumsy. ;)
Spirit Day at Preschool! Go Dawgs!!
Bryant and Jama
Taylor and Jama
Game Day!!
He's ready!
Thomas enjoyed tailgating too!
Me and my babes waiting for the Dawg Walk to start!
Taylor and Jama with their front row view!
Oh look…there's daddy! (aka Josh…in the white visor)
Bryant and Tucker ready for the game!
Go Dawgs!!!!
Me and my girl. :)
Thomas and Jama
Enjoying the food and air conditioning up in the box.
Jama and the kids after the game.
My wonderful family!
Love these two.
Do we perhaps have another golfer in our future??
Stare down. ;)
Baking with Jojo!
She's ready to cheer on Georgia against Vanderbilt!
When did he get so big? Handsome boy!
Enjoying the lake with Nat Nat!
Little stinker.
I had to put him down for a second so I threw his lifevest on…surprisingly he didn't cry.
He loves his exersaucer!
Nat Nat and Thomas
Loving his morning view!
Yall. This girl. She was mimicking what the doctor had done and was asking me questions and "writing down" my answers. She's so silly…and adorable!
Until next time…