This has definitely been the longest I've ever gone without posting. But in my defense, I've thought about how I need to write a post a lot over the past month! ;) Because it's been so long I have tons to share. Going back to the end of October... We had a fun Halloween. Our neighborhood does a pot luck get together and then everyone goes trick or treating. Josh had to work, but my friend Meghan and her kids came and did everything with us. It was lots of fun! In November we had three home football games. The first one was against Auburn. It was a GREAT game! Also that weekend Josh's brother and his family came to visit and go to the game. We finally got to meet sweet baby Hayes. It was so good to see them and the kids all adored their cousin. The following weekend we played Louisiana Lafayette and I took all three kids to the game! It was easier because we got to be in a suite, but we still only made it to the 4th quarter. I'm seriously not sure Thomas sat down the entire time! It was lots of fun though! Also around that time both Bryant and Taylor had Thanksgiving Feasts at their school. Bryant's was just during lunch and we went and had lunch with him. It was good. Taylor's was so cute because they sang a few songs for us before we went downstairs and ate. It was kind of sad though because Josh couldn't come to either, and Bryant was at school during Taylor's. But, Thomas and I got to go to both! :) The week of Thanksgiving both kids were out of school all week, so we did some fun stuff! On Monday we drove over to Birmingham and met my parents and sister and her kids there. We went to the McWane Center that day. It was so much fun. They have opened an entire section for young kids called Itty Bitty Magic City since we moved. It was so awesome! Then that night we all spent the night in Birmingham. The next day we went to the zoo. It was all so much fun as you will see from the pictures below. I miss living in Birmingham sometimes because there was just so much more to do there than here. Oh well! After the zoo we went down to Opelika to stay the night and visit with family a little more. We came back to Athens on Wednesday. Josh had to work Thanksgiving day, but once he got off we went over to our friends the Greenes house for Thanksgiving! We each cooked some of the meal and it was awesome. Since we don't have family in town it is so nice to have friends that are like family! The weekend following Thanksgiving, Jama came to town. She and Bryant went to the Georgia Tech game together while I stayed home with the younger two. I think they had a blast! Well, that pretty much brings us to now. Below are LOTS of pictures. :)

Neighborhood park fun.
She dressed herself... Horrible dresser or future fashionista!?
Rush fun
Princess Elsa is ready for Halloween!
Sweet boy loves his puppy dog.
Attempting to get a picture of all the kids at the pot luck!
Cutest elephant around.
Trick or Treat!!
They are ready to go!
My little shopping companion. :)
"Hey Bryant, let's take a picture of us at your Thanksgiving Feast!"
Getting to see daddy in the Dawg Walk.
Me and my buddy!
The Lee brothers with their kiddos!
Brothers just hanging out with Sam. :)
Ice Cream treat! He insisted on feeding himself...and spilling it everywhere.
Sweet Taylor singing songs at her Thanksgiving Feast!
Me and my girl
I am SO glad she is thankful for her castle. ;)
Football time!
The sun was obviously in our eyes.
The football game wore him out!
Picking out our Christmas tree!
McWane Center Fun!!
This was seriously the best we got! Ha!
The five cousins!
Checking out their home for the night!
Zoo Time!!
Thanksgiving Time!
So thankful for this friend of mine!
My boys.
This is what happens when you try to get a good picture but Thomas keeps sticking out his tongue!
Sweet girl loved getting her hair braided by Meghan! I have GOT to learn how to do it....
Tradition of Josh and the kids decorating the tree while I watch. ;)
My favorite!!
She loves scooter riding.
Handsome boy!
Until next time...