Well...to say it's been awhile would be an understatement. Apparently I was so upset about writing my last post on my BABIES turning five and one that I decided to stop writing. Ha!! But seriously, my bad, and let's just move on to what all's been going on with us. The week of Thomas's birthday, and really the entire next week too, were rough. I mean ROUGH! Poor Thomas somehow got a horrendous case of Hand, Foot, & Mouth. And you may think horrendous is a strong word, but when you see the pictures below, you will agree. It was one of the worst cases his doctors office had seen. And although Bryant stayed well, Taylor ended up getting it to. Luckily hers was not as bad as Thomas's, but it was still bad. Especially in her mouth. My poor babes. So we literally did nothing for almost two weeks. After we were all well, we went to UGA Baseball's opening game. That was fun! The next weekend we got to go to the Circus. It came to the Gwinnett arena and we got invited to go by some friends. The kids had fun, but I'm not sure we will do it again anytime soon. They didn't stay interested for too long. But we were lucky enough to be in a suite, so they could kind of run around and eat food! So it was all good! ;) The first full week of March was UGA's spring break. So Josh was off the entire week! And we took full advantage. The first part of the week my parents came and kept all three children while Josh and I went to Longboat Key, FL for several days. It was fabulous!! I actually weaned Thomas before going. That's right people, for the first time in almost 6 years I am neither pregnant nor nursing!! Woohoo!!! Anyway, Josh and I had a wonderful time together. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the beaches were beautiful. We even went to the golf tournament in Palm Harbor on a practice round day and got to watch several golfers...including one of my favorites, Jordan Spieth! It was a much needed, relaxing vacation. Then, once we got back, we left the next day and took the whole family to the Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge area for several days. We stayed at a place called Wilderness at the Smokies. They have a huge indoor waterpark. It was so much fun!! The kids loved it and it was so fun to have family time together away from home. If you ask Bryant what his favorite part of the trip was, he would say without hesitation: Mini Golf!! The boy loves his golf, and we played three different mini golf courses while there because of it. The day after we got back, our county held an event called Touch A Truck. We went, and the kids had fun getting to check out all the different trucks and other transportation vehicles. This past week we have had lots of fun enjoying the warm weather. We have actually gone to the park three different times! And lastly, yesterday was Opening Day for baseball! Bryant is playing Coach's Pitch this year and he is loving it! They had opening day ceremonies yesterday and he also had his first game. I think he enjoyed all of it! And that's about it! Below are tons...and I mean TONS...of pictures. :)

It snowed again...just for a little bit though.
My poor Thomas with Hand, Foot, & Mouth.
It. Was. Everywhere.
Well now that's one way to take a nap!
My babies
Such a good big brother. :)
UGA Baseball Opener!
Handsome boys
Ready to go play some golf with his daddy!
Pre-Circus fun!
Watching the circus.
This one was not interested at all. He just wanted to crawl around.
Proud of their sword/wand!
Headed to play some golf with daddy again!!
It was perfect the entire time we were there!
Watching some golf at the Valspar Championship.
Riding the sky tram up to Ober Gatlinburg.
Headed up the mountain to do the Mountain Rollercoaster!
Daddy and Taylor's turn.
Off they go!
Oh sweet third child. He has no idea how good he has it!
Headed back down the mountain.
Pretty view
Waterpark fun time!
That's Bryant, right in the middle of the huge water dump!
He loved it!!
All this water fun is exhausting.
Swimming around waiting for the waves to start.
Lovin' the wave pool!
The indoor waterpark slides!!
Bryant teaching Taylor how to putt better.
I had to bribe him with graham crackers to keep him content while we played 18 holes.
He got a hole in ONE!!
Taylor's ready to drive!
Go-kart fun for Bryant.
Fountain Show
Me and B inside the gondola on the Great Smoky Mountain Wheel! (It's like a ferris wheel, but much bigger and taller)
Pretty view! I'm sure it would be even better in daylight, when you can see all the mountains.
Taylor kept getting better at putt putt.
I heard a kick on our wall and went into the hallway to find this. Apparently she would rather sleep on the floor in the hallway than in her room...
My princess
Fire truck!
Most people probably don't look this happy, or cute!, in the back of a cop car!
Sweet boy was so tired.
Big 18-wheeler!
Checking out a helicopter.
Silly girl!
Oh Thomas. Climbing the stairs is his favorite.
Practicing his smile for picture day...
Bryant and Coleman with Patch from school.
Climbing trees
Why does she look SO big in this picture?? :(
Stuck in the stroller...per usual. ;)
Gorgeous day!
Slides are fun.
Love him!
Park fun with friends.
Opening Day!
Waiting on the ceremonies to start.
Watching his bubba play ball!
Until next time...