We have had an extremely fun, but busy few weeks. A week and a half ago was Taylor's birthday. I can't believe she is already THREE!! Last Saturday we had a birthday party for her at Georgia Elite Gymnastics. It was so much fun. Almost all of her friends were there to celebrate with her. They got to do fun gymnastics stuff and then enjoy some cake and ice cream. It was the perfect party. Then the next day was her actual birthday. Josh had to leave early that morning to go out of town, but his mom actually came into town for the day and night. So we all went to lunch and dinner, wherever Taylor chose! During the afternoon Taylor and I actually got to go have one-on-one time. It was so special. We went and got mani/pedis and then to her favorite ice-cream shop. It was a great way to celebrate her! And she loved it! The week following Taylor's birthday, last week, was actually the kiddos last week of school. On that Wednesday Bryant had his field day. I got a babysitter for the younger two and went and enjoyed my time with him. It was at a local park and they did lots of different activities, and then had a picnic lunch. It was super fun. That Thursday was the official last day of school, and Taylor had a party for her class. They had yummy food and then went outside and played on bouncy houses. It was suppose to be water bouncy houses, but it decided to be cold for a couple of days, so no water. The kids still had fun! On Friday we had Bryant's Pre-K Graduation. I thought I would be really sad, and it was bittersweet, but I actually didn't cry! I guess I'm saving up my tears for his first day of kindergarten. ;) Anyway, the graduation ceremony was precious. They did a processional to the stage. Then they said the pledge, and the director spoke for a minute. Afterwards they sang several songs they had learned for the ceremony. It was adorable. After that each child was introduced and received their diploma!! Afterwards they had a ceremony with cake and punch. It was all so perfect! Other than that we had a friend's birthday party/Cinco de Mayo party on Friday and then we had a Kentucky Derby Party thrown by one of the coaches on Saturday. It was all lots of fun! That about covers it. Below are TONS of pictures. :)

Ready for her Birthday Party!
That cast was not stopping Thomas at all!
Being thrown in the foam pit is SO fun!
The littles playing together. :)
Group Picture...in the foam pit!
Bubble mania
Reading her card from Jama.
Mani/Pedi time!!
She really did love it!
Toes time!
Ice cream!! Hand on her hip telling me something...it's one of her favorite positions. ;)
My Sweet Girl
Field Day Fun!!
Bryant's whole class!
Bryant and his best buddy Coleman!
Last Day of School picture.
School party!
Bryant, Coleman, & Tucker celebrating Coleman's "school birthday".
Graduation time!
Getting his preschool diploma from his teacher, Ms. Anne.
And there he goes...a preschool graduate! ;)
Bryant and Josh!
Me and my babe!
The whole fam...minus Thomas who was at home with a babysitter.
Bryant and Coleman
Bryant and his teacher. We LOVE Ms. Anne!
Perhaps one of my favorite pictures of him ever...I can't stop laughing...
Taylor with her Kentucky Derby hat and swim attire too! Silly kiddos!
Until next time...