We have had lots of fun Christmas festivities the past several weeks. I seriously just LOVE this time of year! A few weeks ago Josh and I went to the Football Awards Banquet Gala. It was nice, and of course fun to have a reason to get dressed up and leave the house kidless! ;) Taylor lucked out and got to visit with Santa twice. Santa came to her school and she loved him. And then the whole family went to Brunch with Santa at Athens Country Club. Bryant and Taylor loved Santa, but as you'll see in the picture below, Thomas did not. He screamed!! But I mean, I can't really blame him. I put him in the arms of a strange man with a beard. :) Both Bryant and Taylor also had Christmas parties at school. I went to Taylor's and she had fun. I didn't go to Bryant's, but he said it was lots of fun! Josh and I also had a Christmas party with our small group. It was lots of fun. And we had our friend Elle's 4th birthday party. It was at a kid's art studio and it was so much fun! The kids created beautiful canvases as you'll get to see. Lastly we got together with our friends the Greenes and did our annual sugar cookies! The kids had a blast cutting them out and decorating them. That's about it for now. Below are pictures.

The next several pictures were taken by Meghan's brother-in-law at Thanksgiving. I LOVE them!!
Rush fun with friends!
Lazy afternoon with my babies. :)
UGA Football Gala
Taylor loved seeing Santa at school
My crazy baby
These three sure do love each other...and pizza! ;)
Brunch with Santa
My little boy is looking so big!! ;(
Poor Thomas!
He seriously does look scared...
Taylor at her Christmas party.
I just love an exhausted baby passed out in the car!
Christmas shenanigans with our small group.
Love these people!
Working on his masterpiece at the Paint Studio party.
Bryant's finished work! Sanford Stadium game day!
Taylor's finished work...it was a sketch of a castle, but she decided to go her own direction. ;)
Such a fun party idea!
Christmas cookie decorating!
Until next time...