We have had a really fun month! Back in February Taylor and Josh went to a Father-Daughter Dance at the Country Club. Taylor looked so pretty in her dress she picked out to wear! And Josh got her a corsage to wear. It was precious. And they had a blast eating and dancing! And Tay got to stay out partying past bedtime. ;) Also that weekend Taylor had her preschool class pet, Hoppy. He goes home with a different child each weekend, and Tay got him then. So he got to go to the dance with them, as well as play at our house, have a picnic, and go ride in the golf cart at the club when Bryant and Josh went to play golf! :) That's another thing, Josh and Bryant have started back their tradition of going to eat lunch and play golf every Sunday. It's so fun for Bryant!! A few weeks after the Father-Daughter Dance Bryant and I got to go to a Mother-Son Event at his school! They had pizza and then lots of games set up in the gym. It was based on Minute-to-Win-It. So all of the games were trying to do things in one minute. We went with our neighbors, and I think both Bryant and Aiden had a good time! The first full week of March was spring break for UGA, which means Josh was off!! The first part of his break we went to the beach...kidless!! My parents were amazing and came and kept all three kids for 4 days/3 nights. I think both my parents and the kids really did have a great time! And Josh and I had a good time just getting away together and relaxing. We spent most of our trip lounging on the beach and eating. :) Other than that we have just been doing the norm. Baseball started for Bryant the end of February, so we've been having lots of practice. Opening Ceremonies is this weekend and I am excited about the games starting. Oh, and one last thing, I took Thomas this week to get his first haircut. His hair is so adorable with it's curls, but it had gotten a little cray cray. He still looks so adorable even with his haircut. And the experience was hilarious. He was so good the entire time. No moving, no crying, nothing. The girl said he was the best 2-year old she's ever had! But anyway, when she got done I picked him up and he wiggled out of my arms to get down. Then he looked on the floor at the pieces of hair that had been cut off. He put his hands on his cheeks and goes, "Oh No!!!". Then he precedes to lean over and pick up some of the hair and place it back on the top of his head! He kept on doing it. It was the cutest/most hilarious thing ever! Anyway, that's about it for now. Below are some pictures. :)

Pretty girl is ready for the dance!
She's so silly.
Getting her corsage from daddy.
Enjoying some ice cream at the dance.
Selfie :)
She had such a fun time!
Tire swing fun on a Sunday afternoon.
Swinging with Hoppy
Sliding with Hoppy
Golf cart riding with Hoppy
Picnicking with Hoppy.
Whether at school, at home, or even at Rush, Bryant is obsessed with monkey bars!
Thomas wanted a turn!
Minute-To-Win-It pyramid building and taking down challenge.
Such a fun time.
So beautiful.
Back to my cuties!!
Such a silly, handsome little boy.
Love her.
He is ready for his first haircut!
He was a little unsure of his hair falling off his head. ;)
His new, big boy haircut!
Until next time...