The past few weeks have been pretty low key for us. Since Bryant started school we have had to hang around here. That hasn't stopped us from having some fun though! We had our annual pictures with Uga a few weeks ago. Taylor loved him, Bryant didn't prefer him, and Thomas was just very intrigued by him. I personally was not able to get a great picture, I'm hoping the photographer was, but I'm not counting on it. It's hard enough to get all three kids to cooperate, but then trying to get the dog to too didn't work great for us. ;) The best part of that was that we then got to go spend a little time with Josh! Now that they are working 7 days a week we are missing him. Last week I took the younger two kiddos to Kids Up with some friends. It's like this big indoor playground. The kids had an absolute blast! And it was really only about 40 min we will definitely be going again. This week Bryant's flag football league started. He has only had his first practice, but he loved it and is so excited about the season. On Wednesday I took the younger two to FrogStomp Art Studio with some friends. It is a great little place where kids can paint and color and all sorts of artsy stuff. They had a blast. Then yesterday, Thursday, both Thomas and Taylor had their first day of Preschool!!! Woohoo!! I'm not gonna lie, I was just as excited as they were. ;) Taylor is in PreK and will be going four mornings a week. Thomas is in the 2 year old class and will be going two mornings a week. So that means I'm gonna have two mornings a week to myself. Too bad my list of things I want to do during those 3 hour time blocks is probably going to take me the entire year to finish! ;) Anyway, that's about all for us right now. Below are pics.

So..Tay has this new thing she does where she tilts her head sideways in almost all pictures now... Silly girl.
This is the first of MANY pictures I tried to take to get one good one. I've included three others, none of which are good because I didn't manage to get a single good one!! But they are funny. ;)
Uga Pics!
There's that head tilt! ;)
Kids Up!
Thomas was in heaven with all the ball pits.
Hanging out at bubba's football practice. It was hot.
Putting on some beads to finish their special paintings!
Their completed Rainbows!
Silly faces
Thomas LOVES his puppy! (Well...Sam's almost 13, so I guess he's not technically a puppy...but he'll always be our puppy.)
Ready for their first day of school!!
He wasn't interested in taking a picture.
Ready for PreK!
And they're off!! Taylor didn't want me to walk her in. She's too big for that. Plus she said that she wanted to take Thomas to his class. :)
Until next time...