We have had a really busy, fun month! Bryant had a blast all month with his flag football games. His last game was this past Tuesday. His team had a decent season, but he really just had so much fun with it! Going back to the beginning of this month... The first weekend of October was Josh's birthday. The UGA game was at Vandy, but because it was early he actually got home Saturday by dinnertime. Our best friends from Birmingham had come over for the weekend to hang out and surprise Josh for his birthday! It was awesome. It was also our first time getting to meet baby Ava, who was born in August, and Taylor was obsessed! We all had such a great time, and Josh was surprised! The following weekend we had a home game...it was actually Homecoming weekend. Josh's sister and her family came to visit and go to the game that weekend. It was a lot of fun! While they were here we took the kids to Washington Farms. I think everybody had a good time there. And then the game itself was great! The next week was a fun week because on that Thursday I took the kids to the NOHS Homecoming Parade. It was actually a really good parade. And the kids loved it because they threw out tons of candy! The following day was DA$H at Bryant's school. This is their annual fundraiser where the students run as much as they can in a 15 minute timeframe to raise money for their school. Bryant did a great job! Last year he ran 7 laps, so this year he hoped to run at least 8, which he did! Then last weekend was the bye week for Georgia, which meant Josh was actually home with us on Friday evening and all day Saturday!! On Friday we had family pictures taken real quick for the first time in 4 years! It went about as well as can be expected from three children ages 2-6. But we managed to get a few good ones I think! Then that night we went to some friends house for dinner and to just sit out by their fire pit and chill. It was the perfect evening. On Saturday Bryant had one of his last flag football games, and Josh finally got to go! It was the only game Josh got to go to, and Bryant scored a touchdown for him. ;) The rest of Saturday was spent watching football and hanging with friends. It was gorgeous weather, and Josh set up a few TVs and tents outside so we could just be out there all day. We had lots of friends and neighbors come over to hang out. It was so much fun!! This week Bryant had basketball evaluations, and he will start playing that next week. And on Wednesday Taylor's preschool class took a field trip to Washington Farms. This was our third time going there this season, but the kids still had tons of fun! I guess that pretty much covers everything. Below are lots of pictures! :)

The Lee and Moore kiddos!
Taylor LOVED Baby Ava
Happy Birthday to Josh!!
Thomas and Charlie
Taylor...wanting to be the mommy...like always. :)
My handsome boy!
Cousin Time 😍
Cow train
Jumpy Pillow!
Taylor loved holding the baby chick.
So did Thomas!
Corn box fun!
Pig Races
Janna and I are ready for the Missouri game!
My Date 😍
Silly boy made it until the end of the game!
Taylor insisted on having her picture taken with the scarecrow at Hobby Lobby. That's completely normal...right? 😂
Bryant and Aiden enjoying some Kona Ice!
Parade Time!
Bags full of candy! (Side Note: I did not know about all the candy, but a sweet person next to us had extra bags that she let the kids use. Thank goodness!)
Me and My Girl after our family pictures
The Boys😍
Silly boy thought he was so funny when he kept taking my keys and running onto the football field.
Checking out the goats on Tay's field trip.
Wagon Ride!
So silly.
Tay chose her pumpkin, and it was literally the smallest pumpkin out there.
Sweet Thomas
Until next time...