We have had a busy, but fun past couple of weeks! A few weeks ago the kids and I went to Jacksonville for the Georgia game. It was so much fun!! Not only did we get to see all of Josh's family, but I got to see one of my best friends and her kiddos too! Meghan's parents live in Jacksonville, so they came over to see them and us while we were there. We drove over Friday morning, and that night we went and celebrated Hudson's 5th birthday at Meghan's parents house with their family. It was so great getting to celebrate with them! The kids were so happy...and I was too. ;) Then Saturday Bryant and I went and tailgated with lots of Josh's family and friends, as well as Meghan and Connor (her oldest and Bryant's good friend), who came to the game with us. We had a really fun time. And the game was of course awesome!! We stayed at Josh's brother's house, and my sister-in-law was so sweet and watched the younger two kiddos the entire day. When we were at the house the kids had so much fun hanging out with their cousin Hayes. All in all it was a short, but great trip! The following Tuesday was Halloween. It was a busy day! Both Taylor and Thomas had events at school. Thomas had a cute little Halloween party, and then both of their classes participated in a little costume parade. It was super cute. That evening we went to a potluck that our neighborhood does every year. After that the trick or treating began! Bryant went with a few of his friends in the neighborhood, and Taylor went with her friends who live across the street. Because due to Thomas not napping and being exhausted, I just took him to about four houses then brought him home and put him to bed. So although it wasn't exactly how I thought the night would go, I'm thankful for neighborhood friends who helped me with my kiddos, and everybody had a blast! This past weekend our good friends Tommy and Sherrie came back to town. We all went to the South Carolina game and had a great time! It's always so much fun when they come! Well, think that about covers everything. Below are lots of pics.

Taylor and Hudson's musical act!
Opening his present from us.
Everybody loves present time.
Birthday brownies and ice cream!
Being silly with cousin Hayes.
Hayes is so strong he can tackle Bryant!
Cousin love :)
Together again...all is good! :)
These sweet boys had missed each other!
Game time!
They cheered them to a beat down!
Happy Halloween from the ninja turtle and hot-mess haired Ariel! 😂
Thomas's class party.
Here he comes!!
Can you find Taylor...of course you can...she's the one with the huge red hair. 😆 Seriously...I'll stop now.
Neighborhood friends
Bryant with some buddies.
We LOVE our neighborhood!!
Trick or Treat!
He got a second wind when they gave him candy.
Tay and her twins. 😍
Trick or Treat!
Ready to take on South Carolina!
Hey Bryant, take a picture with us...come on...take one!!! It's fun to embarrass your kids. 😂
Sweet boy!
Until next time...