We have had a really really fun past 3 weeks! First was of course the National Championship. We went over on the Friday before the game. All weekend they had amazing events planned for us! During the day we took the kids to do things like the Georgia Aquarium and College Football Hall of Fame. Plus, the kids hospitality suite was amazing! My kids seriously never wanted to leave it. It had arcade games, basketball, skeeball, ping pong, etc. It really was awesome. At night I got to go to fun events like the Allstate Party Kickoff with Phillip Phillips and a Private Event with Zac Brown Band. So fun. But of course the highlight of the trip was the game. What. A. Game. It was so heartbreaking to lose in overtime, but man, I was SO proud of our team! After that trip we finally got to come back home and recuperate some. The following weekend Taylor got sent home with their class pet, Suki the panda bear. And can I just be honest here, I DREAD when my child gets in the car all excited saying the class pet came home with them! Surely I'm not the only one. Surely. I mean we lost the thing three times. THREE. And since we had just gotten back from being gone a lot, I literally had no exciting plans for the weekend. But when you have the class pet you have to do fun things and take cute pictures and put the book together on it. Ugh. Anyway, enough complaining. 😉 Our weekend was fun because we went to some of our friends house for dinner on Saturday night, and then Bryant had a birthday party on Sunday. Then on Monday (which was a holiday) Josh took Taylor to her first Gymdogs (UGA Gymnastics) meet. I think Taylor thought it was cool. Then Wednesday and Thursday the kids ended up not having school because of some snow that came through. On Wednesday we had so much fun playing out in the snow and sledding! By Thursday, we were over it. 😂 Then that Friday night Josh was working, so I took all of the kids to another Gymdogs meet. It was pretty fun...except Thomas spent the entire time laying and crawling on the floor. 😝 Then this past Sunday we had Taylor's TOTS performance during halftime of the Georgia Lady's Basketball game. TOTS stands for Teams of Tomorrow, and is a program she does through her school. It teaches them creative basketball skills, academic concepts, and agility exercises. She has really enjoyed it! And we were so proud watching her perform during halftime. This week has finally been the first normal week in forever, and I have really enjoyed it. The only thing exciting is that Josh took Taylor and Bryant to the UGA Men's Basketball game on Tuesday night. That's about it for now. Below are TONS of pictures.

College Football Hall of Fame
Predicting who was going to win the game.
Skyview fun!
Phillip Phillips!
Jackie and I had fun!
Georgia Aquarium!
Ready to watch the Dolphin show!
Zac Brown Band!
Meghan came up for the game!
There was an awesome pregame party...Bryant played Playstation the entire time.
Cheering on the dawgs!
We took Suki to Chickfila.
And to Karoline's house.
And on the jeep...
And on her bike... Those were the adventures with Suki. 😂
Ready to walk up to the playground area where there is a good sledding hill!
Building a snowman with daddy.
This girl. 💕
My baby
Gym dogs meet!
On the floor...the whole time.
Tay is ready for her TOTS performance.
She's the one all the way in the back.
Basketball game with daddy!
Until next time...