Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling better and back to crazy!

We are feeling so much better at our household this week.  Praise the Lord!!  And what comes with feeling better…a crazy, energetic 21 month old!  It's so nice to see Bryant acting 100% like himself.  I feel like lately I've updated on us and what we've been up to, but not as much so on what Bryant is like now-a-days, so here goes!  Bryant's favorite things right now include golf, football, puzzles, trains, coloring, Sampson, and Team Umizoomi!  He still plays with his golf clubs all the time, and of course any toy he has that is shaped like a ball…or even if it's not…is fair game to hit.  He really does have amazing hand-eye coordination.  He is also obsessed with his footballs.  He has 3 different ones, all different sizes, and he likes to throw them all.  He also likes to tackle you if you have it…hmmm…what has Josh been teaching him. :)  Another thing that has really gotten his interest lately is puzzles.  He has one puzzle in particular that is a sports puzzle that he loves.  He dumps out the pieces, and then names each sport as he puts the pieces back in their spots.  It's super cute.  Also, as is typical of most little boys, he has become big on trains.  You can actually hear trains from our house, and I never much noticed them, but now I do.  Every time he hears them he stops whatever he is doing and listens.  Then he says "choo choo".  So I have now realized that we actually can hear trains a lot throughout the day.  He also enjoys coloring a lot.  Although, if I'm honest, I think he really likes to just flip through the coloring books and push the crayons around.  However, he does color some.  Another obsession…Sampson.  Our poor dog.  Life would be so much easier for him if he just decided to like Bryant, but he doesn't.  And Bryant adores him.  He chases him all over the house, and wants to always be petting him and messing with him.  And if Sam disappears or gets somewhere out of Bryant's reach, Bryant gets so upset and sadly walks around the house saying, "puppy dog, puppy dog, puppy dog".  It's quite pitiful.  The last obsession for Bryant right now is the cartoon Team Umizoomi.  He LOVES it!!  He really is not interested in watching any other cartoons, he only wants Team Umizoomi.  Which, being the nerd I am, I actually really like it too because it is a math cartoon.  They deal with shapes and numbers and patterns.  It really is educational…who knows, maybe Bryant will follow in his mommy's financial footsteps!  Besides all of these things Bryant is talking up a storm now.  I still don't understand a lot of what he is saying, but it's getting better.  He now will even put some short sentences together.  The way he talks is just so cute…and I'm not bias. :)  Well, I think this post is long enough, so I'll hush now.  Below are a few pictures of the kiddo!  Also, I included a video that was taken probably a month or so ago.  It shows how smart Bryant is. :)  He's known the body parts for a while, but it's just been the past couple of months that he loves doing the animal sounds.  Mine and Josh's favorites are when he does the donkey (heehaw) and monkey.  Unfortunately, those two just became popular about 3 weeks ago, so they aren't on the video.

 Cutest breakfast date ever!
So sweet…always trying to share his slobber covered food. ;)
Playing with his dump truck
 Watching my reaction as he knocks over his dump truck

 Josh's friend "Fish" (that's what he calls him) came to see us and stay with us last night.  He brought Bryant a hat.  Bryant really likes it!!
He put it back on this morning…how cute is he!!

Until next time…


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