We had a really fun weekend. We went to the Division II National Championship game! Josh's alma mater, Valdosta State University, where he played football and was a student assistant on the football staff, was playing in it. The championship game is held in Florence, AL. I thought that was a really strange location, but it worked out great for us because that is only about 2 hours away. We ended up driving up there Friday evening and staying at a Holiday Inn Express. We then went early Saturday, like 8:00 am, to the campus to start tailgating with everyone. Lots of guys Josh played football with were there. The game started at 12:00 pm, and the result, VSU creamed them. It was an awesome time with friends and an awesome game!! And Bryant had a blast at his first National Championship game. It was funny because at the game Bryant kept walking up the aisle pointing at the numbers on the bleachers. 1, 2, 3, etc… He would try and move complete strangers out of his way so he could see their seat number. Luckily everyone just thought he was super cute! ;) One more thing I have to add, I really do have a rockstar kid. He tailgated for 4 hours and then sat in a stadium for 4 hours, and ask me if he fussed once….NOPE! We truly are so lucky and blessed. Below are lots of pictures from the fun day.

Getting ready for the players to arrive. This was our actual tailgate spot…it was AWESOME!
He really liked the police horses.
He enjoyed tailgating…especially the food part! Like mommy like son! ;)
His seat of choice a lot of the day!
Go VSU Blazers!
He was not too sure about Blaze...
Until next time…
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