Friday we had Taylor's Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy Infant Evaluation appointment. Even though our pediatrician thought Taylor's shoulder was doing great, he still wanted us to get her evaluated and see what next steps needed to be taken. So I took her to Children's in downtown Birmingham for her evaluation. The Occupational Therapist who did her evaluation was so sweet. And the best part, she said that Taylor seemed PERFECT!! She said that she had all the movement in her shoulder and arm as far as she could tell, and that she was doing absolutely everything an infant at her age should…grasping things, letting go, bringing hands together, and arm movements! Praise The Lord! In fact, she said there was no need for us to come back. I am just suppose to watch Taylor and make sure she continues to reach each milestone she should. So as far as we are concerned, she is 100% healed…at only 6 weeks old! We are SO thankful!! On a different note, I have to share an experience I had while at the Therapy office. Moms, you'll enjoy this! So...Taylor pooped right when we got there. I could see it start to seep out the side of her diaper, so I knew it was a big one! I took her and Bryant quickly into the bathroom. While I attempt to start to change and clean her up, I hear Bryant splashing behind me and saying "Look mommy, water!". You guessed it, he was playing in the toilet. As I spin around to tell him to stop, I of course swipe my hand in the poop diaper. I get Bryant to stop and continue to clean Taylor up. I then dig through the diaper bag to get a diaper, and guess what…I of course only have 1 diaper…and it's Bryant's! But hey, at least I had that one! So I proceed to put a size 5 diaper on my 6 week old, and I hear splashing again. I turn around, give Bryant a little pop for disobeying and playing in the toilet again, and he starts crying…really loud. Well, I finally get Taylor back dressed and everything cleaned up, I get Bryant to stop crying and clean his hands and then I get hands clean, and we get out of there! And of course, to top it off, someone is outside waiting… Oh the fun times! ;) Anyway, below are just a few pictures I've gotten the past couple of days. :)

Bryant was watching the U.S. Open and clapping for Tiger
Cutie got to have his paci in the car since we had Taylor's OT/PT Appt during naptime
I took Taylor with me to Girl's Night on Friday…apparently we were boring ;)
Bryant's present he made Josh for Father's Day
Cutest. Little. Boy. Ever.
Josh with his little boy on Father's Day
Josh with his baby girl on Father's Day
Josh with his first born on Father's Day ;)
Looking so tiny in her daddy's arms
Until next time…