This weekend Josh was in his good friend Hollis's wedding. It was in Rome, GA. We packed up the kids and headed that way midmorning Friday. The trip there and back was very uneventful. Both kids did really well, and it was right under a 2 1/2 hour drive, so not bad. My mom drove up from Opelika on Friday afternoon and stayed through the wedding on Saturday evening to watch the kids. It was great because that meant I got to not only go to the Rehearsal Dinner with Josh, but I also went out with him and his friends for a little while that night. Then I got to sleep Friday night while my mom kept the kids in her hotel room. I was pretty excited about this, but ended up only sleeping a little over 6 hours. But hey…that's a lot more than usual!! One day I will get to sleep again… ;) Saturday Josh had to be at the church at 12:00, so me and mom and the kids just hung out. Then I went to the wedding. After the wedding I got the kids so my mom could head back, and we went to the reception. Both Taylor and Bryant did GREAT!! And I know Josh had a blast. There were several guys that he has been friends with for 10+ years there, along with their wives and kids. So that was really fun to see all of the kids together and to see and hang out with the adults too. I took my camera with the full intention of taking lots of amazing pictures, but instead the camera sat in my bag the whole weekend… Oops! I did however get a few pictures with my phone. The clarity on most of them are blurry, but oh well.

She looks so precious sleeping.
Happy Girl!
Seriously…she is SO cute!
On our way to Rome…since sister got a wubbanub, he needed a wubbanub too!
Doing so good on the car ride.
Josh and Bryant at the reception.
Josh and Taylor at the reception.
Both kiddos wanted me to hold them at the same time…happens a good bit! ;)
Bryant and Tyler having fun at the reception.
Ashley holding sweet Taylor.
Blakely, Eli, and Bryant…it's super fuzzy, but it was the best one!
Bryant and Blakely had SO much fun…they are only about a week apart in age.