The kids and I got back yesterday from a fun trip to Colorado. My twin sister lives out there, and this was our first time visiting. They just had a baby boy in July, so we of course had to go meet him. My mom went with us so she could help me with the kids at the airport and stuff, and I am SO thankful she did. Traveling with two kids (especially a 2 year old and a baby) is much different than traveling with one baby. However, I think the kids did great on the airplane. Both travel days were REALLY long, and they were both troopers. Taylor cried maybe 2-3 minutes on the way out there, but it was before we even took off, and she was just tired. On the way back she didn't make a peep! Except for her cute cooing and talking. Bryant did great too…he looked through the magazines with Jojo, looked out the window (which he loved), and played on his iPad. While in Colorado we had a good time. We had great plans to go hiking and stuff, but we did not get to do any of that. Colorado was having torrential rains with deadly flooding (like hasn't happened in 500 years). If the rain had been snow it would have been 10-12 feet…more in some areas. We could not even get into the mountains in Boulder due to road closures, road collapses, etc. It rained almost the entire time. :( But, it was still fun to get to see my sisters. Oh, I didn't mention that my sister Grace came out there for a few days while we were there. So she got to meet both Wells and Taylor for the first time. It was so fun!!! Below are some pictures from our trip…as well as Taylor's 19 and 20 week pictures. I can't believe my baby is 20 weeks old today!! ;(

Headed to her first flight!
Chilling at the airport.
He's ready to go see Aunt Hillary & Uncle Evan and Cousin Wells!!!
Sibling Love!
Wells and Taylor…only 12 weeks apart! (Although Wells is still a little bit smaller than Taylor was when she was born. Crazy!?!?!)
Bryant was babysitting.
She finally can get her toes in her mouth, and she LOVES it!
Fun times with family!
There are THREE babies in this picture!!!!! :-)
Bryant's balloon giraffe that he got at a Grand Opening we went to!
This is the view coming out of Hillary & Evan's neighborhood. BEAUTIFUL!!! (They live in Lafayette…which is about 10-15 minutes from Boulder)
It actually stopped raining for a little bit.
So Pretty
This was as close as we could get to the mountains. Stupid flooding rain!!
SISTERS!!! (minus Shelley)
Sweet boy came out of the room from his nap and curled up on Jojo and slept some more.
My Cutie Patootie!
Sweet Wells and Hillary
Having fun drawing on the airplane.
She did this for over 2 hours on the plane! YAY!
What did we do before iPads…??? ;)
Taylor had fun on the plane.
Watching airplanes take off while we wait for Jojo to pick us up in the car.
On our way home at last…and he is one tired boy!!
19 Weeks Old!
20 Weeks Old!
Until next time…