We have had an extremely productive week here at the Lee household. I decided Monday morning that I would attempt to potty train Bryant. We had been casually using the potty some, but nothing serious. So Monday morning I stripped him down and asked him about every 20 minutes or so all day to go to the bathroom. Of course a little bribery helped…1 M&M for trying, 3 for going. He had one accident about 3 hours into training while eating lunch, but that was it! Then on Tuesday I left him without underwear on for half the day, and put underwear on him the other half. I still asked him to go potty some, but he also went on his own some. We had no accidents that day. On Wednesday he was dressed all day, and went to the bathroom by himself for the most part. If I noticed it had been awhile I would ask him to try, but that was it. Still no more accidents. He is potty-trained. Yesterday we were gone from the house for 2-3 hours and he was accident free. I am SO proud of him!! It was so much easier than I thought it would be. However, I do think since I waited until he was right at 3 that he was ready, and therefore it was easier. Regardless, I now have me a diaper free big boy!!! (Well, he still wears a diaper at night…we'll tackle that a little later). Below are a few pictures from this week.

Bryant's Porcelain Throne!
Playing together :)
Taylor caught in midaction of attempting to pull herself up to her feet!!
He is so silly.
He didn't want me to take his picture, so he closed his eyes… hmm...
"Look mommy, I'm a drum!"
Taylor has started trying to climb the stairs. She can't yet…but I dread the day she can.
Beautiful Girl!
Sweet Taylor looking like a vampire with her teeth, just like her brother!
Playing some basketball.
Icing mustache!! The best kind. :)
Bath time fun!
Having fun too!
She is my sweetie. :)
Pantless = Potty training
Why oh why does Taylor have to love the froggy potty so much. It's so gross!
Having fun with Mrs. Emily at the donut shop!
Sweet girl
In town road trips are fun!!
Not sure why the trash can is so much fun to climb on, but apparently this day it was. Yuck.
He's such a sweet boy.
Until next time…
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