The past several weeks have been filled with lots of fun and family! The week of Thanksgiving me and the kiddos drove up to North Carolina to visit my sister Shelley and her family. We were there Sunday-Wednesday. Besides Tyler (Shelley's boy) getting sick and the drive back to Athens taking 8 hours instead of 5 1/2, it was a great trip! We had fun really just hanging out. And the kids always have a blast together! Then Thursday was Thanksgiving!! We spent that day here in Athens with Josh, since he had to work that morning. We had a full Thanksgiving meal with our friends the Hartleys! It was wonderful! Then we all went to a Christmas Tree farm and picked out Christmas trees. That evening Josh left to head to Atlanta (where UGA's game was on Saturday). Then first thing the next morning the kids and I left to head down to Opelika. My sister Hillary and her family were there for Thanksgiving. So obviously I had to go see them. The fun part was that Hillary had no idea I was coming. And on top of that I had planned a small surprise Baby "Sprinkle" for her and baby girl White. She was shocked. It was great!! Then we stayed through Saturday just hanging out with them and my mom and dad. It was short, but good. Then this past Saturday Josh actually got to stay home some. So that morning we went to Breakfast with Santa. It was an event put on at the kid's old preschool that they went to the remaining of last year. It was fun! We got to eat pancakes and visit with Santa. My kids were not too impressed with Santa. Bryant was scared of him, although he did eventually walk over and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. But he did not want to sit on his lap. Which, I mean, can you blame him? It's some strange, bearded old man. Ha! Taylor did sit on his lap, but only because I placed her there, and she did not speak or smile the entire time. Thomas was just entranced by Santa's beard. So that was that! I got a somewhat decent Santa picture and called it a day! That afternoon some friends came over and we all hung out and watched the SEC Championship game. It was fun! Well, that's about all for now. Below are tons of pictures.

Last home game of 2015!
Go Dawgs!!
Tyler and Bryant! So happy!!
This girl. Climbing all over the place.
Sweet boy fell down a couple of stairs and landed on his forehead. And thus I learned that he could climb the stairs. Oops!
All five kiddos playing in the floor. Makes my heart so happy!
Trampolines are fun.
Helping decorate the small tree in the their playroom.
Empty boxes are fun. :)
Craft time!! Making ornaments.
My lovely sister and her husband thought it would be hilarious to draw a mustache on my sweet little baby while I was putting my other two kids to sleep. And let's be honest…it was!! :)
Thomas loved Uncle Shawn's beard.
Sweetest. Cousin Picture. Ever.
I think it's so funny that Thomas crawls like this a lot of the time!
Thomas gives Thanksgiving a thumbs up! He got macaroni for the first time!
Silly turkey girls!
The boys playing some Thanksgiving football!
Handsome boy.
My girl. Keeping up with the boys!
Christmas Tree Farm
Hillary's flourless chocolate cake for her shower! It was pretty and absolutely delicious!! (Athens peeps, you must try out KiKi's Bakeshop in Watkinsville)
The crew :)
Cousins only twelve weeks apart.
Me and my sis!! Love her so!
Wells and Pops!
Taylor and Bryant trying to ride Pops' bike with him.
My curly haired babe
Thomas getting some love from Aunt Hillary.
The three boys playing.
We (and by we I really mean Josh) finished our Christmas tree after the Georgia Tech game!! The tree is my favorite Christmas decoration!
The beginning of an impromptu afternoon photo shoot trying to get a few good pictures for our Christmas card!
Bryant and Taylor's smiles and Thomas's face crack me up in this picture. It did not make the card. ;)
This one definitely made the card! :)
Sweet girl waiting to see Santa.
Like I said. Bryant was not excited about Santa. This face.
SANTA!!! I know him. I know him. (Sorry…I'm an Elf lover…the movie that is) ;)
Thomas's first Christmas!
Bryant telling Santa how he wants pretty much every set of Football Guys that they make. Ha!
Thomas acting all big sitting with the boys.
Sweet thang
I absolutely love this precious girl!
Me and my baby.
Enjoying a beautiful day!
Silly girl in her broken umbrella doll stroller.
Sweet boy has been under the weather for several days. Which means lots of extra cuddles for me. Hate he's sick. Love the cuddles.
Until next time…