We have had lots of stuff going on the past few weeks. The week before last Bryant had a field trip with his preschool class. They were suppose to go to Bear Hollow Zoo, but because of rain they were able to get it changed last minute to go take a tour of the Oconee County Sheriff's Department. It was actually extremely interesting (I've never been inside a jail before) and the kids seemed to enjoy it. Thomas and Taylor got to go too since I had to go with Bryant. :) Then the next day my mom and dad came up to visit! They got to watch Bryant play t-ball, and he really liked that. Then the next day, which was a Friday, they kept all three kids while Josh and I went to the Chateau Elan for a night with the other coaches! It was my first night away from Thomas, but he did great. And it was so nice having a night away with other adults, and I even got to go to the spa for a mani/pedi. Then last week Thomas had his 2 month checkup. Everything was absolutely perfect! He weighed in at a whooping 14 pounds 4 ounces and was 23 7/8 inches long. That put him in the 97th percentile for both height and weight! BIG BOY!! :) I looked back at both Bryant and Taylor's stats for 2 months as comparison, and Thomas wins the trophy for being the biggest at this age…even though the other two weren't small. Bryant was 13 lbs 4 oz and Taylor was 12 lbs 15 oz. Today Bryant had his 4 year checkup. He did such a great job. He passed both his vision and hearing screenings. And he was a tough boy when he got his shots. He cried, but he was still tough. It's so much harder watching them get shots the older they get. I'm dreading Taylor's 2-year checkup. Anyway, Bryant weighed in at 47.8 pounds and 44 inches tall. So BIG! He was over the 97th percentile for both!! We got some big ole kids. ;) Other than that we have had lots of baseball, a few play dates, and gone to the park with daddy twice! It's been a great few weeks! Below are pictures.

My baby :)
Working on that neck strength!
The sweetest boy you will ever meet!!!
Love my thumb-sucking girl.
Beautiful and Happy
Impromptu photo session because he looked so precious.
Jail Time!!
Bryant looking a little too happy to be in a holding cell. ;)
The common area of one of the "Medium" security sections.
Yall, why do people go back to jail after being there. In medium security you only get 6 hours per day outside of this room. That is awful!!
This is where the prisoners get outdoor time. Umm…that kinda sucks.
Bryant got to hold Ms. Susanne's (his teacher) hand the whole time since I had Taylor and Thomas. We absolutely love her.
Taylor looking at the prisoners down below.
This is what Thomas did the whole time. He was less than impressed. ;)
Taylor and her Pops.
Me and my baby up at the football office!
Thomas and his Jojo.
Smiley boy. He's such a happy baby.
Looking like a stud at his 2 month checkup.
Having fun playing.
My climber. This I'm actually okay with her climbing. Ha!
Tennis time with bubba! Strutting across the court.
A new way to slide I guess...
Bryant sat here forever watching this guy practice tennis.
Seriously, I could hold him all day.
That face. Not sure what I said, but apparently she wasn't impressed.
She's ready to go! Ha!!
Big boy at his checkup!
Until next time…