We have had an extremely fun past few weeks! A couple of weekends ago we took our first trip back to Birmingham since we moved. And we all had so much fun! We all stayed the weekend with our friends Matt & Hillary. We had a birthday party for Taylor on that Saturday at Emily's house. It was Elmo themed and I think everyone had a good time! Then that night we grilled out and hung out with our friends. Sunday we went to church, lunch, hung out with Luke & Ella, and then went to dinner with some more friends. We lucked out and got to pretty much see everybody!! Josh left early Monday morning because he had a flight to catch in Atlanta for a work trip. I stayed behind another day and we hung out and stayed with Emily (Luke&Ella) and Becky came over for a play date too. It really was so refreshing to see everyone. On Tuesday the kids and I went to my parents and spent some time with them. It was a blast too! We finally made it back home on Wednesday. :) That Friday Bryant had his last t-ball game and they had a party for the team. We have all really enjoyed t-ball this spring and can't wait to do it again! On Saturday one of Josh's really good friends and his family came to visit for the day. They live in Spartanburg, and are about to move to VA, so they figured they better come before they move! We all had lots of fun. They have two little boys who are 3 and 1. We went to Chickfila, up to the UGA athletic facilities to give them the tour, to a UGA baseball game for a tiny bit, back to the house to swim, and then grilled out that evening! As you can see if was a busy, fun-filled day! Bryant had a blast with his new friend Tyler. :) I hate they are moving farther away. Other than that we have just been hanging out and taking advantage of the beautiful weather here! Our neighborhood pool opened a few weeks ago so the kids have been swimming some. If it were up to Bryant we would go to the pool every day, but that's just too much for me to handle! That's it for now, enjoy the pictures. :)

Just a little impromptu photo shoot in the backyard. ;)
Digging in sand can make a girl thirsty!
My kids be crazy!?!
No words.
The birthday girl
Party Time!
T is for Taylor's Party! :)
The cake was a little slanted…but still A-dorable!
Happy 2nd Birthday my baby girl!
Charlie and Thomas (3 months apart). Both BIG boys!
Taylor opening her presents…a few days later...
Thomas and Zane (1 week apart)
Popsicle time!
This picture. HA!!!!
Bryant and Pops going for a family run…per Bryant's request. :)
We are SO blessed with amazing parents/grandparents.
Love. Him.
He so silly.
T-Ball Party time!
Getting his trophy from his coach.
Last bat.
Coming into home!
Beautiful day for a UGA baseball game.
Our friends checking out the stadium.
Swimming Time!
She is such a silly girl.
Thomas's first time at the pool. Poor third child, who knows when I'll attempt all three in the water!
Blue-eyed babe.
They really love him!
Naked babies are the cutest! :)
My walking buddy.
Playing golf…like he does every day.
She was dancing. :)
Boy loves his golf!
Until next time…