We have had lots of different fun stuff going on the past week and a half. Last Wednesday Bryant's preschool class had a Mother's Day Celebration. They performed two adorable songs they had learned and then had a gift they had made for us and some yummy food! It was so sweet and adorable. Then on Thursday Taylor's preschool class had one. It too had a some sweet treats for the mommy's to eat and then they too made us a present. It was so fun! Then Friday was a big day…my sweet baby girl turned TWO!! It is so hard to believe she is already two. Time needs to slow down. She is so much fun! Her language has blossomed so much these past few months. She talks all the time and it's so fun. She is also becoming more of a daddy's girl. She loves him. But I'm okay with that, because she still wants her mommy lots too. ;) If I could use one word to describe her it would be passionate. This is a good thing when she is behaving and a hard thing when she doesn't get her way or is doing something she shouldn't. But I really just love her little personality. She is definitely more strong-willed than Bryant. It's neat seeing her become her own person. I can't wait to see where this next year takes my sweet Taygirl!! We are going to celebrate her with a party with our Birmingham friends this weekend, but last week we took her to Chuck E. Cheese with our friends the Hartley's to celebrate. This was the kids first time at Chuck E. Cheese and they both loved it…especially Bryant! We had pizza, cupcakes, played, and opened a few presents. It was a great celebration! We have had lots of t-ball and outdoor playing this past week because the weather has been beautiful! Which praise the Lord because Josh was out of town Saturday-Wednesday, so I needed some good, play outside weather! Today was the kiddos last day of preschool. :( I think we are all pretty sad about that. I have absolutely loved their school and teachers. It has been so great!! Today Bryant's class had a class party at 1-2-3 Jump! The kids just played and bounced and then we had some yummy food for them. They all had a blast! Below are some pictures. Oh, and by the way, in case you were wondering, Thomas is as cute as ever. Like he seriously makes me want 10 more. He is just so sweet and smiling and cooing and laughing. It's just the best. :)

Sweet boy peeking at his momma!
Performing their songs. It was so cute and sweet.
Yummy food for us. :)
Me and my big boy!!
The present he made me. It's a magnet.
He also made this. So sweet.
Taylor's Mother's Day Celebration!
Mommy and Taylor selfie! I just LOVE her!
Taylor's present that she painted.
The cutest birthday girl EVA!!!
Silly girl
Those eyes. :)
My mini me.
Chuck E Cheese! This was her favorite thing.
Pizza time!
They both liked this. And this was always my favorite arcade game!
Time to pick out a cheap, crappy toy that cost $10 worth of tickets to get! ;)
Two. She's two. ;(
Taylor has become obsessed with baby dolls…so a nursery set seemed fitting so she would stop putting her baby dolls in all of Thomas's stuff!
This look…I get it a good bit. ;)
Well…now where will I put Thomas?
Birthday breakfast!
So big.
This boy loves his thumb. And I love that it self soothes him at night so he has been my best sleeper by far!
My baby. It's about to be several photos of my sweet boy.
Bryant at his end of year preschool party.
Waiting patiently for their food!
Until next time…
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