We have had a GREAT week!! Signing day for UGA was last Wednesday. After that the coaches get a break. So Josh was off Thursday - Monday! It was so wonderful! We were all so sad that he had to go back today. :( But we definitely took advantage of the time he was home. In addition to Josh being home, his mom, Jama, came to visit Friday thru this morning. And my dad came up Friday - Saturday. My mom was sick so she couldn't make it. :( And also one of Josh's best friends and his family came to Athens for the weekend. He had a job interview with Athens Regional on Friday, and then they stayed thru the weekend to hang out. So, you may be wondering, why did all of these people come at the same time... It was to celebrate my big boy Bryant and little baby Thomas's birthdays!! My first baby, the precious little boy who made me a mama, turned the big FIVE on Saturday. It's so hard to believe I have a FIVE year old. Especially since I haven't gotten a day older since I had him...or at least that's how I feel! ;) And then my sweet, precious baby boy Thomas turns ONE tomorrow! ONE!!! I seriously can not believe it. So we also celebrated him this weekend while everyone was here. On Friday morning Josh took Bryant to a birthday party for one of his friends at Pump it Up. While they were there, I took the younger two to Rush to meet our friends from out of town. It was fun! Then Friday evening was Bryant's birthday party. He had it at Chuck E. Cheese! I let him invite a handful of friends and we included their entire families, because that's how we like it. :) Everyone had a fantastic time and Bryant had a blast! It was great!! Then Saturday morning we celebrated Bryant's actual birthday with the breakfast of his choice and presents from the family. Then Saturday at lunch time we celebrated baby Thomas's 1st Birthday! We just had family and our friends from out of town for that one. It was perfect! We ate lunch, did the cake, and let him open his presents. A side note, he LOVED the cake. So much that I actually ended up having to take it away from him because he wouldn't stop eating it. He's my only child that has actually eaten his smash cake! After all of that fun celebrating, Saturday evening we all went to the UGA vs AU basketball game! And afterwards we went to eat Mexican for dinner. Since it was Bryant's actual birthday we let him choose. And he loves him some Mexican food just like his mama! Sunday we went to church and lunch and then spent that afternoon recuperating from all the fun. We just watched the Super Bowl at home and kept it very low key. Since Jama was still here yesterday she actually took Bryant and Taylor back to Chuck E. Cheese to use the leftover tokens we had from Bryant's party. They of course loved that! And that's about it. We had an absolutely wonderful, long weekend with family and friends celebrating two of our precious kiddos! Below are TONS of pictures. :)

My FIVE year old!!
Foam Pit Fun!
I love skeeball!
Throwing some football with Luke.
Jama and Thomas
Thomas had fun at Chuck E. Cheese too!
By the looks of Taylor's hair...she had a wild time! Ha!
Pizza time
Birthday Boy
Thomas loves some pizza too.
The Cake
Chuck E.!
Bryant didn't cooperate very well for a picture. Oh well!
Bryant and his best buddy Coleman.
Bryant and Coleman in the ticket blaster.
Present time
MORE football guys!
Birthday Breakfast!! Cinnamon rolls and bacon!
Present time...again!
Now he can be different teams and play each other. He was pumped!
Thomas turns ONE!
Birthday set-up!
Birthday Boy!
Taylor reading Pops a book while he finishes his lunch.
The Cake!! (Publix is awesome!)
Smash Cake
He is ready for some cake!
After a bath from the cake mess, it's present time.
Bryant and Taylor love their Pops!
Basketball game with friends!
Time for some Mexican food!!
Who's ready for an SEC East matchup??
Until next time...
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