It has been over a month since I've posted. My Bad! I guess we've just been busy. And I've just slacked. ;) Anyway, I'm gonna give the best recap I can from the past month. First, right at a month ago the kids and I went down to Opelika for a night because my twin sister and her family were in town briefly. I FINALLY got to meet my sweet new niece Emmy! It was SO good to see them. And I am ECSTATIC to say that at the end of this month they are actually moving from Colorado back to Alabama. I really can't even express how excited I am. The next week was a good week because Thomas finally got his cast off! So glad he is all healed up and we are done with that! Also that week he had his 15 month checkup. He is a healthy, growing little boy! He weighed in at 23 lbs 13 oz and was 31 3/4 inches long. That put him in the 70th percentile for both! I don't know if it's because he's the third child or if it's just his personality, but he's not saying many words yet like the other two. He mainly says Uh-Oh and Dada. He loves his Dada! But I'm sure he'll be talking nonstop like the other two before I know it! The rest of May consisted of a few play dates and lots of swimming. On Memorial Day weekend Josh was actually off the entire time. So he and Bryant played a lot of golf, and we spent hours every day up at the pool. The kids love the country club pool because it has a slide and diving board. And because they can get food and popsicles, etc. whenever they want. ;) We all really enjoyed all of the family time! The first two weeks of June Bryant was part of a local swim team. This particular one offers a "Pups" program for 4-6 year olds where they work on helping them learn to swim a lap of the pool. So we had swim practice every morning. Bryant loved it and definitely became better and more confident in his swimming. By the end of last week he was able to swim the length of the pool, but had to pause in the middle and hold the lane rope. Both of the past weekends we have had birthday parties for friends. They were both lots of fun. And last Sunday Josh and Bryant participated in the Parent-Child Golf Tournament at the country club. They tied for second, but after a tiebreaker was done by comparing scorecards, he moved to third because of a double bogey. He got two birdies though!! And had a blast! Other than that we have just played with friends some, swam a lot, and enjoyed the pretty weather! I have not been very good at taking pictures...but I will share what I have!

Sweet Taylor holding baby Emmy
Bryant's turn!
Bryant teaching Wells how to play Football Guys.
Cousin Love!
Cuties inside a train caboose!
Me and Hill with precious Emmy!
Just playing in the rain with their umbrellas.
And then they jumped in puddles...and got soaked!
Thomas loves bouncing on the trampolines at Rush!
Prettiest girl I know! :)
And fiesty too! ;)
Headed to play some golf...matching! :)
I took like 30 takes trying to get a decent picture...I mean what is Bryant doing??
And this one is cute of Thomas...but Taylor of course decides to suck her thumb.
And this. This is one of the best ones I got. It's crazy how three kids can't all just smile and look at the camera at the same time!! ;)
Swim Team social hour between Bryant and Hodge.
There he goes! Swimming the length of the deep end.
I had to take him to practice his golf before his big tournament, per his request. Love this kid!
Just doing what he loves!
Taylor = 0 , Bryant's Golf Club = 1
His trophy from the tournament!
Some friends that played in the tournament too.
I remember Bryant talking with his hands about a bunch of gibberish at this age too. It's so cute!
He thinks he's sooooo funny. :)
Until next time....which will hopefully be sooner than a month....