The month of May has been a great month! Taylor finished 3K and Bryant finished Kindergarten and it is officially summer! Woohoo!! I love having all of my kiddos back home all day with me! They both had amazing school years. Taylor ended her year with a water party at school. And Bryant had a small party too. They sang an adorable song to the tune of Grease's "Summer Lovin'" and got awards. Bryant got the award for "Most Spectacular Speller". I am so so proud of how much he has accomplished this past year. But I am so sad at how fast it went by and to say goodbye to his teacher. She really was the best! Another fun thing this month was baseball. Bryant's team ended their season in 2nd place. There was a 6-team playoff, and Bryant's team won all of their games to become the Champions! It was awesome! Also, Bryant played in his first official Golf tournament a few Saturdays ago. He played in the 8&under group and ended up tying for 4th place, which was awesome for his first time! Especially since the majority of the players were 7 and 8! But most importantly, he had an absolute blast! We have enjoyed the warm weather and gone to the pool several times already. That's been great! The only bad thing to happen this month is that our best friends moved. Her husband got a job with the Tampa Bay Bucs and she and the kids moved last weekend. We have been so lucky to have them here since we moved here, and I am so sad they left. But if I've learned anything over the past several years, it is to appreciate every day you have with a great friend because you never know what the future holds. Love you Meghan! ;) Anyway, that's all for now. Below are some pics. :)

Shopping with some of her birthday money.
Playing at the playground and they say, "Can we PLLEEEAASE just go dip our feet in the pool and see how cold it is?" Swimming in clothes...don't tell our neighbors. ;)
End of Year Par-Tay!
Swimming!! (In actual swimsuits this time) ;)
End of Season party and trophy!
He had a great team and great coaches!
Bubbles are fun!
Ready for his golf tournament and looking so handsome.
Awards Ceremony for the CHAMPIONS!
Go Astros!
So proud.
Bryant and his teacher. Seriously LOVED her!!
Our last day with our best friends!
They are so silly!!
Until next time...
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