Well, the grind of football season has officially started. Report day was this past Sunday and we haven't seen Josh since. We sure do miss him… :( However, despite that, we have had an awesome week! My sister Shelley, who lives in North Carolina, and her kids came to visit. She has Tyler who is 7, and Addie who is 3. They came down on Tuesday and stayed until Saturday morning. We had a BLAST!! My sisters are truly my best friends, so any time I get to see one of them I get really happy. :) While they were here we did lots of swimming, bike riding, running around, and we even went to the splash pad one day. I think all the kids had lots of fun with each other. Bryant adores Tyler, so he probably had the most fun! And what was really nice was when the kids went to bed at night Shelley and I got to hang out a bit. For the first time in at least a year I got to play Phase 10 (card game). It was so fun! I was sad to see them go…but that just means me and my crazy crew will have to try to make it up to NC sometime soon! Below are lots of pictures from our fun visit. :)

Addie & Taylor playing dress up!
All the kiddos hanging in the palette waiting for Aunt Shelley to read a bedtime bible story. :)
Addie sporting the dawgs!
Sweet Thomas. He's such a good baby. Just waiting his turn until mommy finally gets him in the pool too.
I told them to smile for the picture…this is what they did. Too funny!
Just hanging out on the floor with Sam.
Splash Pad fun! LOVE Addie in this picture. :)
They all had a great time in the splash pad.
Chunky baby love!
Backyard races! My kids got left in the dirt. ;)
Sweet cousins
"Show me your muscles!"
Tyler was entertaining Thomas.
Sweet sweet Taylor… ;) Taylor was caught on camera stealing Addie's water gun.
What is it about a pool noodle…you always have to hit the water with it.
Thomas getting some love from Aunt Shelley.
Addie was chatting with Thomas. They loved him and Tyler told Shelley that she needed to have another baby! :)
My handsome boy.
My baby girl!!
Thanks to Aunt Shelley fixing it, Bryant finally got to ride his bike a lot.
Also, while Shelley was here she convinced me that Thomas needed some solids. Which I'd been meaning to start soon anyway. After all he will be 6 months old tomorrow. ;( So one night I made some carrots for him and below are some pictures of his first taste of solid food. I haven't given him any again yet…due to the pure fact that I'm lazy. Starting baby food adds a whole new dimension to meal time that I am just not ready for. Plus, since I make homemade baby food, that takes even more time. Pure selfishness! ;) Poor Thomas…I really will start doing it daily very soon.
He was intrigued at first...
Then he was not sure he was a fan...
Then he started getting the hang of it…sort of.
Bryant wanted a turn too.
All in all he probably got about one teaspoon worth of carrots in his actually belly. Ha!
Until next time…